Thursday, September 16, 2010


So am totally torn. I love that Cayleigh is in school now and I am pretty sure she loves it, but every other morning when I drop her off it is tears tears tears.  I know school just started and she needs to get use to it so I am trying my hand at extreme patience and I think I am doing pretty good.  I just hope she gets over this by the time the snow hits the ground so I am not trying to lug 2 other children out of the car to take her into school.  Oh well just my thoughts.


  1. Oh my gosh! That is the hardest thing ever. I didn't have it with James going to school, but when he was in daycare he clung to my leg and sobbed, for like, three weeks. I thought my heart would break. I'm not sure what you can do about it, but it sounds like you're going about doing the right things.

    Does the teacher say she likes it when you leave? Is she ok when you are not there? Ask the teacher, she'll tell you if you need to worry or not.

  2. Oh Jen! Good Luck! I have no thoughtful words on this, other then hopefully she will grow out of it!

    So when you get past this hard part, tell me what you did to help her! Then someday I will use your solutions!
